About Us

Who We Are?

Pickleballnest is a well-known online website that reviews all kinds of current products, apparel, and accessories of the innovative part of pickleball. We offers the latest reviews, updates, rules, places of events, and much more data about the game. We live in a progressive era where competition is high, scamming is common and it is very difficult to get accurate information about any product. 

This aspect appreciated us and motivated us to create this website for those passionate about pickleball games, especially for the players to learn about the basics of the sport and quickly access all the data and information. Though pickleball is growing on trend day by day, many players are entering this game with every passing day. 

However, as far as we know the date, there are very scarce resources through which you can get knowledge and the answers to your required questions. That is the reason that Pickleballnest came into existence. At the Pickleball Nest, we used to write reviews and blogs regarding the best pickleball gear and accessories products in the competitive market in the prevailing times. 

The products may differ from pickleball paddles to minor accessories like shoes and gloves. We have hired professional and skilled team members who have contributed significantly to the website by providing strategies and tips for playing the sport professionally and even building the court for your game. 

Our Mission

Our main aim is to offer unbiased and purely honest reviews about the pickleball gears, accessories, and apparel paired with informational guides on the pickleball products, events, plans, and strategies in the best possible way. As the game is close to our desirable requirements, we want the community to grow faster and strengthen to get the most accurate informational data they require. 

How Pickleballnest Works?

We often get queries regarding the working procedures on our website so let’s look at the working strategies.

How we Review the Products?

As mentioned above, we have professional team members and players with a complete range of pickleball accessories and products. The key figures in the pickleball nest play an essential role in creating this website with the fruit’s total reviews and comments. The reviews given by them are first-hand because they are the real owners of the products. 

We don’t depend on personal experience in spite we have employed a team that does the research work about the new introductions, the advanced and latest technologies, news and debates coming on the internet, so the readers can get the latest updates, complete and authentic data if they plan to buy similar products. 

How We Manage the Website?

Offering the clients reliable and accurate information is one of the best goals of our website as gathering the information is insufficient. That is why we pay our pure attention to the pure reviews that should be conveyed to our clients and readers. 

Our reviews are in the most accurate way and engaging tone, and we do not go into unnecessary details that do not give the authentic working of the product. 

To fulfill this goal, we have skilled writers that give accurate information, proofread and offer pure reviews. Moreover, the developers and designers make the website page more attractive with graphics, outlooks, and user-friendly. 

Our Services

Most of our work is based on research and staying on the playing field strategies. Our services scope the use of gears, the latest news, place of the events, the pickleball rules, tips, tactics, and history concerning the game and its legacy.

Pickleballnest Team

Jorge Marshall

Jorge Marshall – Editor

The founder of the pickleball nest is Jorge Marshall, a great pickleball player in the past years. He transitioned to pickleball in 2008 and was a former pickleball player. When he joined this sport, he was passionate about the collection of pickleball accessories and gear. He owned an inventory in which pickleball paddles of top-rated brands were included, like Gamma, Onix, gloves, shoes, and balls.

Collin James

Collin James – Writer

Collin James is the writer of the pickleball nest. He wrote valuable reviews about the products and accessories related to pickleball to ease new purchasers and beginner to professional players. After researching the best products and updating the news and events of the game, James sorted out the pickleball products to review them.

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(212) 724-5200


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